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Bibliography and Other Topics

Effects of Tryptic and Chymotryptic treatment on purified vibrio cholerae toxin

Porro M. & al.
IRCS Medical Science: Biochemistry; Immunology and Allergy; Microbiology, Parasitology and Infectious Diseases, 3, p.205-206 1975

New Hemolytic Method for Determination of Antistreptolysin O in Whole Blood

Porro M. & al.
Journal of Clinical Microbiology ,Vol. 8 n° 3, p.263-267 1978

Saggi di Vaccinazione Antimeningococcica con vaccini polisaccaridici di Gruppo A e C

Porro M. & al.
Ann. Sclavo, p.356-366 1981

Modifications of the park-Johnson Ferricyanide Submicromethod for the Assay of reducing groups in Carbohydrates

Porro M., Viti S., Antoni G., Neri P. & al.
Analytical Biochemistry 118, 301-306 1981

Ultrasensitive Silver-stain method for the detenction of Proteins in Polyacrylamide Gels and Immunoprecipitates on Agarose Gels

Porro M. & al.
Analytical Biochemistry, Vol.127 N°2, p.316-321 1982

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